It’s super easy to make dandelion coffee in just a few simple steps.
First of all you need to roast your dandelion root in the oven. If you’ve foraged and dehydrated your roots yourself it can take a wee bit longer than using the dried herb purchased from a reputable source. If you’re using your own root be sure to finely chop them into small pieces before roasting.
Typically, I tend to roast mine for about 30 mins at 200 degrees celsius on a flat baking tray. You want to keep eyes on though and I like to give it a shake once or twice so that it roasts evenly. Basically you’re going for roasty toasty not burned to a crisp. If you’re using store bought dandelion root you’re probably going to want to reduce that time to 15-20 mins.
Add two teaspoons of your roasted dandelion magic to 250ml of boiling water. Cover and simmer for 10 mins. Now if you’re feeling fancy and wanna rock out your inner herbalist you can also add other delicious herbs and spices at this stage such as cardamom, fennel seeds, cinnamon…it’s entirely up to you.
Strain and pat yourself on the back – you’ve basically just made a herbal decoction 🤘
Enjoy with or without milk – add honey if you prefer a sweeter brew.